
“I have been blessed to encounter some very special gifted people upon my path...Dorothea Delgado is one of them. Her psychic gifts are very powerful, her spiritual abilities are remarkable. Dorothea is a true Healer, a gifted Medium and Clairvoyant, a genuine conduit for the light of the divine Spirit. My Life has been greatly enriched by working with her.”
- James van Praagh
Renowned spiritual Medium and Author of New York Times Best Sellers “Talking to Heaven,” “Reaching to Heaven” and “Healing Grief”
“Dorothea Delgado is, hands down, the best psychic medium I have ever consulted! I have had readings from many, many psychics and mediums over the years, and she is, by far, the most accurate and amazing reader. Dorothea is able to give specific details from the spirit world that no one would know if they were not extremely gifted. She reads with compassion, kindness, and love, and gives excellent guidance for your life. I am astounded each time I speak with her because she is able to give me comforting details about the past, present, and future, and gives me hope to march on, no matter what the circumstances. She is a gifted healer and “seer”.”
Karla, Sunnyvale, California
“I have had many readings over the years to help me through a very rough time, where nobody had any answers and I was drowning physically, emotionally and spiritually. The information Dorothea lovingly passed on to me has given me my quality of life back and set me on a path to recovery. The readings were very specific, extremely helpful and given with love and divine guidance.
Dorothea is an amazing, wonderful person, and I feel extremely blessed to have her help in my life.”
“She is quite a genius as she is The ONLY one who discovered that my breast implants were poisoning me.”
Kathy, California
“I had my reading with Dorothea today and I was wondering if you could just extend my thanks to her again…She is truly gifted and I stand amazed and in awe of her abilities. By her ability to connect with spirits, she fulfilled a request for me to reach out to my recently deceased mother and “speak” to her and hear her again and (whether she was aware or not) healing a wound over forty years old as well as confirming that some things, never change. For the first time since my mom passed, I felt “ok” with things and am looking forward to seeing my mother again some day…I also realized that I don’t want that to be too soon b/c there are things here I still want to get done, but when the time comes, I look forward to that day and being reunited with her again for all of eternity! Please pass on my sincerest thanks to her; she is a lovely woman.”
Michelle, New Jersey
“I have been working with Dorothea Delgado for about four years. I have worked with other mediums before but Dorothea is truly the best. Her knowledge about spirit is amazing. She is very passionate about her work and completely present during session.She is also very accurate with the information that she is able to access. Dorothea has helped me in so many ways.”
Nadia , Florida
I had a reading with you in early February of this year and I just want to say thank you so much. You were spot on and I can’t tell you how many times I would review my notes after that reading to gain inner strength when I needed it. I wish you many good things and hope that if ever you embark upon your online/telephonic teachings you will think of me because I would definitely participate.”
Carla ,Connecticut
“Dear Dorothea, You are amazing!!! You knew so much about my situation. You have a real gift! Everything you said is inspirational and comforting. I am able to better heal knowing that my beloved husband is happy, doing all that he loves, and that I will see him again.”
Carol, Michigan
“I want to thank you so much for your assistance. We did buy the house that spirit directed me to. It’s been so crazy moving etc., but I wanted to take some time to personally thank you. I know that my family will be happy in this home and I feel so grateful that spirit has provided this wonderful home for me. I am so blessed. Thanks for all you do, my life is better because you have dedicated your time to serving others.”
Mary, Pennsylvania
“I just wanted to say thank you for my reading on the 11th of May.
I got a lot out of the reading and received the recording in the mail recently, I listened to it with my parents and got even more from it by hearing it all again. Thank you very much, I feel very lucky to have been able to have a reading with someone who has a real gift.”
Kath , Australia
“Just to say that I had my appointment on the phone with Dorothea, and that I was really surprised by her kindness, insight and psychic abilities –her lecture of my aura amazed me, as did her analysis of my life until now, the direction it should take, and her knowledge of authentic details.”
Jan, Brussels
“I had a reading with you in March this year. You told me that I would soon be engaged and that I should let you know when it happens.Well, you were right… I was engaged in July and we are planning to marry in September next year.”
“Please pass on my sincere thanks again to Dorothea for her time, kindness and understanding and her being available to me to share her special gift. Plus thanks for the CD and tape, I have used the CD and without doubt it has made a difference.”
Lots of love and thanks from Australia
“I am very grateful experiencing your reading. It was quite a gift to me to be in a clients position and not be the one who gives the reading. I truly appreciate your honesty and clearness and correctness and devotion in your energy. I am a very critical person concerning people calling themselves a medium. My spirits lead me to you and I am very glad that I listened to them. I also thank your spirits for their support. Everything you said was absolutely true and ever since I feel a lot going on inside of me. Very healing, very powerful.”
Amar, Germany
“Thank you for all your help. It’s wonderful to know I’ve closed my circle and am starting a new cycle. It’s so exciting to know the future holds new things for me. A million thanks and blessings to you Dorothea!”
Mary H, PA
“I can’t describe in words how deeply I was impacted by my reading. It brought about an awareness that I thought I had, but I now see things more clearly. I’m beginning to see the changes that I must make in order to release me from my mind and improve my health.”
Manny, Kentucky